dO u WaNt TO kNOw MOre ,,,, tHe JOnas's Mom tell us moreeeeee


Denisse, the mother of Jonas Brothers, was interviewed by the magazine Twist and told some secretillos Nick, Joe and Kevin.

Does any of them a strange habit? "Nothing out of the ordinary, but are things that annoy mom. Kevin expects the night to make his bed. Being on tour have learned some horrible habits like leaving their towels on the floor. I become crazy!" Is there any fan who especially remember? "I remember a girl up the roof! My alarm bells started ringing when I was on a flight from LA to New York. Then I went to see on the Internet and saw that they were on the roof and the fence of my house. He also appeared notes under my door! "

What kind of girls you want to see their children? "I like the lyrics of the song Video Girl because there is a part that says: 'You know that is not right when Mom does not like.' They actually wrote it thinking about me. I would love to see my sons with girls who have good manners, education and who are respectful of their elders. No estoy esperando a una chica perfecta tampoco." I am not expecting a girl perfect either. "

Who is the most disorderly? "The title is between Joe and Nick! Whenever I say 'why can not bend to put her clothes in the suitcase?'. After the first 8 weeks of the tour, I apologize. 'I'm so sad about there was always criticized and bothered to tell as they should make your suitcase ', I told them. "

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